The Most CommonFrequently Asked Questions
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Do I need to be in shape to Get Started?
Not at all. You’ll find that our classes for beginners are the perfect way to build up your overall fitness level regardless of your physical condition.
Once you get started just stay Consistent with coming to class and training and watch your body and lifestyle transform into that of a jiujiterio.
Can I come watch a Class?
Yes, we encourage you to meet us, see our facility and meet our practitioners and coaches.
If you're up for it sign up for a free week trial while you're here and truly get started on your path to learning Jiu Jitsu.
Am I too old to start Training jiu jitsu?
Believe it or not, many practitioners join us in their 30s, 40s and 50s. As a matter of fact we have quite a community of members in their 40's and 50's.
How many times a week should I be training?
We suggest for both Kids and Adults that want to take Jiu Jitsu seriously to try to make in to class at least 3 times a week to continue progressing in the Art.
Will I get hurt during training?
As with any physical activity there is always a risk of injury, with this in mind, we've strategically designed our class structure to cater help mitigate the risk of injury.
Is there free onsite parking?
Yes, Parking is always Free and Never an Issue
Can't find the answeryou're looking for?
We are always happy to help you
The best way to get a fast answer
+ (12) 345 654 10
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